at work

Psychological Safety

Psychological safety at work

At Grow and Expand, we understand the critical role that mental health and wellbeing plays in the success of a business.

Ensuring the mental health and wellbeing of your team is not only the right thing to do, but also a smart business decision that boosts productivity, reduces absenteeism, and creates a more cohesive work environment.

the Why

The data is clear: poor mental health in the workplace results in significant financial and operational costs to business owners. Australian businesses lose an estimated $4.7 billion annually due to absenteeism linked to mental ill-health and an additional $6.1 billion due to presenteeism - when employees are present but not productive.

Beyond these direct costs, mental health claims have risen by 36.9% since 2017, with each claim resulting in lost time four times longer than physical injury claims and compensation three times higher. The average mental health claim now takes months to resolve, placing additional strain on business owners and teams. These trends are projected to worsen, with mental health claims expected to double by 2030.

Given the substantial operational, financial and energetic costs of poor mental health in the workplace, it’s more important than ever for business owners to adopt psychological safety in the workplace.

the business case

OUR approach

At Grow and Expand, we use compliance with the relevant Psychological Safety Code in each Australian State as the foundation for improving workplace mental health and wellbeing.

This approach isn’t just about meeting legal and regulatory requirements, it’s about leveraging the framework provided by the Psychological Safety Codes to address the mental health risks already present in your business.

By leveraging the Psychological Safety Code, we identify and classify mental health risks based on their severity. This allows you to swiftly identify the ‘hot spot’ areas in your business that are currently costing you big time (resources, energy and financially wise). We then tailor strategies to address those risks proportionately and effectively, in way that creates meaningful, lasting improvements to you, your workplace and your team.

Investing in psychological safety at work isn't just about legal obligations (though penalties, fines and Workcover claims are all real risks); it’s a sound strategic business decision that has measurable results across multiple areas of your business.

Here's why:

  • High Return on Investment: For every dollar invested in psychological safety in the workplace, businesses can expect a return of $1.30 to $4 through increased productivity and reduced absenteeism

  • Lower Workcover Claims: Addressing psychological safety in the workplace reduces costly Workcover claims

  • Boosted Productivity: Healthier employees are more engaged and productive, directly improving business outcomes

  • Better Talent Retention and Attraction: A workplace focused on psychological safety is more attractive to top talent and reduces costly employee turnover

  • Reduced Legal and Financial Risks: Compliance ensures businesses avoid hefty fines and legal action, protecting both finances and reputation

  • Improved Employee Engagement: Valuing employee wellbeing enhances morale and fosters higher levels of engagement, contributing to overall team performance

THE program

To help businesses take meaningful action, we’ve launched the Become Code Compliant Program, which provides a simple, affordable, and effective way to comply with the Psychological Safety Code (Qld) whilst fostering better mental health and wellbeing practices.  The program includes:

  • Comprehensive training for senior leaders

  • Tools to identify, measure and manage psychosocial risks

  • Practical strategies to foster a mentally healthy workplace culture

By buying the Program, you can transform your workplace into a safe, supportive environment that promotes wellbeing and success for all.

Take action today

We invite you to see for yourself what transformational growth and sustainable expansion your business can unlock through better mental health and wellbeing practices.

Contact us today to learn more about our tailored psychological safety in the workplace services.