About Us

Hello There!

My name is Sharné

I am a Growth Mindset Coach with over a decade of workplace advisory experience, and have seen firsthand the unique challenges female-led small-to-medium businesses (SMBs) face.

My mission then, is simple: to help female entrepreneurs overcome these challenges and guide their businesses toward transformational growth and sustainable expansion, through Growth Mindset Coaching and better Mental Health and
Wellbeing practices.

From Corporate Law to Growth Mindset Coaching

My journey began in corporate law, including co-founding a nationally recognised law firm at the age of just 28. Over my 12+ years in the legal industry, I worked closely with SMBs, helping them navigate workplace compliance and employee relations. But as I progressed in my career, I realised that true business success requires more than just legal guidance.

I saw how deeply outdated societal conditioning around ‘women’s place’ in business was impacting female entrepreneurs. Many were held back by subconscious beliefs they had internalised, beliefs that were stopping them from reaching their full potential.

In 2019, after experiencing my own burnout, I began to understand how my own fixed mindset, shaped by societal expectations and outdated conditioning, was limiting me in business. Things like playing small, taking on too much responsibility, not setting healthy boundaries, self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and fearing taking risks, all behaviours that were driven by outdated beliefs I was holding on to, without even realising it.

That realisation was life-changing for me in business (and life!), and ultimately led me to trade my legal hat in and transition into Growth Mindset Coaching, where I now guide other female business owners experience the same transformational breakthroughs I have.

The Birth of Grow and Expand

As the Founder of Grow and Expand, my focus is on empowering female-led SMBs. I help female entrepreneurs break free from limiting beliefs, develop growth mindsets, and experience transformational growth and sustainable expansion within their business.

Our businesses can only grow as much as the limits of our Mindset allows. By developing a Growth Mindset, my clients break through those subconscious limits and glass ceilings.

In addition to Growth Mindset Coaching, I am deeply passionate about improving workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing. I firmly believe that no business or team can outperform the limits set by unaddressed mental health risks in the workplace.

By leveraging compliance with the relevant Psychosocial Code of each Australian state, I guide female-led SMBs to identify specific 'hot spot' areas within their workplace, and together we address these through practical and effective strategies. This work allows SMBs to comply with their legal and regulatory obligations, whilst experiencing transformational growth and sustainable expansion, through increased productivity, improved culture, and enhanced profitability.

Let’s Connect

Eager to Grow and Expand your Mindset and Business?

Reach out now to secure your spot on our waiting list for February 2025.

Your business cannot outgrow the limits of your subconscious mind, and your team cannot out-perform mental health risks present within the business.

Client Testimonials