Growth Mindset


Whether you are starting out in business, aiming for more impact, more freedom, better work-life balance or greater wealth, we have got you covered!

Through our Growth Mindset Coaching techniques, we will guide you towards Growth and Expansion in whatever transformational ways you seek in your business.

We know that your business can only ever be a mirror and reflection of your own Mindset and internal subconscious belief system, because how you think will dictate how you feel, how you feel will determine how you act and how you act will determine the outcomes and the reality you achieve.

Growth Mindset Coaching will help you

Get clarity on your vision, goals and the impact you want to create in business (and life!)

Leverage your natural strengths, aptitudes and gifts in a way that powerfully serves you and your business

Gain clarity on your subconscious limiting beliefs and outdated programming that holds you back and keeps you in a reactive and overwhelmed state, and playing small

Rewire and reframe your outdated subconscious belief system and programming so you can build enormous self-trust and inner confidence, and unlock your highest-level of performance

Address overwhelm and burn-out from the inside-out, allowing you to step into a life of balance, action and transformational results

Reclaim the power within, seeing you push through subconscious limits that have held you back from achieving everything you know you are capable of

What is Growth Mindset Coaching?

Growth Mindset Coaching is all about helping you take your business to the next level, rapidly and sustainably!

If you’re aiming to grow and expand your business, this coaching will give you the mindset and strategies you need to achieve that success.

Imagine your business as an extension of yourself. Every decision, action, and outcome stems from your mindset. If your thoughts are clouded by self-doubt, fear of judgment, outdated beliefs, or fear of failure, it reflects in your business outcomes. Growth Mindset Coaching helps you break free from these limitations by rewiring the very foundation of how you think and operate.

As your Growth Mindset Coach, I work with you to clearly define what growth and expansion looks like for you and your business. We then focus on leveraging your strengths, natural gifts and talents and we develop a mindset that aligns with your definition of success.

Most importantly, I work with you to identify any subconscious limiting beliefs, outdated patterns of thinking and behaving or core negative beliefs that holds you back from achieving the business outcomes you desire. Together, we uncover those subconscious beliefs and we actively work to rewire your mindset.

Growth Mindset Coaching isn't a quick fix, it's about a lasting internal transformation that empowers you to operate from a place of self-trust, clarity, and unshakeable confidence. When you shift your mindset, you change the way you approach challenges, how you lead your team, and how you make every-day business decisions.

If you’re ready to accelerate your business growth in a way that’s both transformational and sustainable, Growth Mindset Coaching provides the tools and strategies to get you there.

Who is it for?

Our Growth Mindset Coaching is designed primarily for female-led business owners of SMBs who are serious about transformational and sustainable growth.

We focus on working with female-led owners who are ready to take their businesses to new heights by developing a powerful, growth-oriented mindset.

While our primary focus is on female-led business owners, we also extend our coaching services to their senior team leaders, but only when the business owner is actively participating in Growth Mindset Coaching. This approach ensures that the mindset and strategies for growth start at the top and are effectively implemented throughout the business. When leadership is aligned, the entire team can move forward with a shared vision, driving growth and expansion across the board.

If you’re a female-led business owner who wants to grow and expand your business rapidly and sustainably, and are ready to lead your team with the same mindset, Growth Mindset Coaching is for you!

Common Mindset Challenges

The most common challenges we see in female entrepreneurs often arise from subconscious limiting beliefs shaped by outdated societal conditioning, leading to behaviours such as:

  • This challenge is often rooted in deeply ingrained societal conditioning that has taught women to take on the role of 'doing it all'. Many female business owners have internalised the belief that they are responsible for everything and everyone around them. This mindset keeps them trapped in the day-to-day operations, leaving little room to focus on the strategic growth and long-term vision that are essential for scaling their business.

  • This challenge is often rooted in societal conditioning that has taught women to stay in line, do as they are told and avoid “rocking the boat”. Many female-led business owners have been taught to prioritise keeping others comfortable, often at the expense of their own authenticity, talents, wisdom, and potential impact. However, it is this very authenticity, wisdom and empowerment that are essential for making the bold business moves necessary to truly Grow and Expand and create lasting positive ripple effects.

  • For many years, we were told who to be, how to act, and what was considered 'acceptable,' especially in the male-dominated business world. This conditioning has led many female business owners to try to fit into moulds that don’t align with their most authentic selves. However, running a business based on others' prescriptions is never the answer (unless the goal is burnout)! True growth and expansion come from gaining clarity on our own visions, desires, talents, and natural aptitudes, and having the confidence to unapologetically leverage these within business. It is this alignment with who we truly are that leads to sustainable business growth and long-term success.

  • Imposter syndrome carries an even heavier burden for the current generation of women, many of whom are the first in their female lineage to step out of traditionally assigned roles as mothers and nurturers and into the business world. This shift brings a heightened sense of doubt and the fear that they don’t truly belong in leadership or entrepreneurial spaces. Conditioned over generations to believe their primary value lies in caregiving, these women often struggle to see themselves as the capable business leaders they are. The internal narrative that they’re "faking it" or don’t deserve their success can be deeply ingrained, undermining their confidence and preventing them from fully embracing their skills, wisdom and potential. Overcoming this mindset is essential for them to step into their power, own their accomplishments, and make a lasting impact in their businesses.

  • Setting boundaries can be especially challenging for women, who have often been conditioned to believe that they must please everyone else, even if it comes at their own expense. This societal expectation to be accommodating, nurturing, and self-sacrificing can create internal resistance when it comes to saying “no” or prioritising their own needs, visions and aspirations - particularly in business. However, without healthy boundaries, women risk burnout, overwhelm, and losing sight of their own vision. Setting clear and firm boundaries is essential not only for personal well-being but also for building a sustainable, long-term business that can truly make an impact. By honouring their limits, playing to their passions and strengths, and focusing on what matters most, women can create the space needed to lead with clarity, purpose, and the energy to grow their business to its fullest potential.

  • The trap of over-responsibility is deeply ingrained in many women, conditioned from a young age to meet everyone else's needs, wants, and desires before their own. This tendency to take on everything themselves often carries over into their businesses, where they feel the weight of every task and responsibility. However, this leads to overwhelm, burnout, and a lack of centeredness. By shouldering everything, women inadvertently prevent those around them, whether team members, partners, or employees, from stepping up and utilising their own skills, gifts, and natural aptitudes. This not only stifles the potential for collective growth and business-wide success but also limits their own ability to focus on the bigger picture.

  • Guilt is a powerful emotion that many women have been conditioned to feel when they fail to meet the needs and expectations of others. For generations, women have been made to feel guilty not only for prioritising themselves but also for daring to pursue their own visions and desires. Today, female business owners often still carry this guilt, feeling torn between being a powerhouse in business and living up to the traditional roles of a “good” mother, partner, colleague, and friend. This internal conflict can lead to burnout, overwhelm, and business decisions driven by the need to appease others rather than by a clear vision for growth. Ultimately, this guilt keeps their businesses small, limiting the potential for expansion and impact. Letting go of this guilt is essential for creating a successful, thriving business that honours both their personal and professional aspirations.

how do i benefit?

Every business owner has their own set of subconscious beliefs, stories, and ideas that shape how they think and run their business. Your business and the way it currently operates will be a direct reflection of your own mindset and subconscious belief system.

Yes, in many ways, this will be great! A lot of our subconscious beliefs truly serve our goals and visions (that’s why you own your own business, after all!). However, every business has pain points and areas that need improvement, growth, and expansion. These areas are often a reflection of the subconscious limiting beliefs we hold. These limiting beliefs are often not a true reflection of the objective reality, and most of the time, you aren’t even aware that they are operating in the background, dictating every decision you make and step you take (or don’t take, as the case may be!).

For example, a common limiting belief among female-led business owners is rooted in a scarcity mindset. You might believe that opportunities are limited, leading you to take on unaligned clients or undercharge for your services out of fear that there won’t be enough business to go around. This mindset can keep you playing small, accepting work that doesn’t truly serve your vision, and holding back from charging what your services are truly worth to clients that are aligned.

Through Growth Mindset Coaching, we work together to identify these kinds of beliefs and challenge the ones that are holding you back. Sometimes, all it takes is having someone point out alternative perspectives you might not have considered, to truly realise how limiting your subconscious beliefs might be.

By reframing your subconscious limiting thoughts, such as shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of aligned abundance, you open your mind to new possibilities that are more aligned with the growth and expansion you want. That time, energy and resources you spent on unaligned clients that are draining, could have been invested in new products, new ideas or more aligned clients at higher prices!

As you align your thinking with your ambitions, you gain the clarity and confidence needed to make decisions that move your business forward. You'll be able to stand in your true power and purpose, embrace new opportunities, flourish through change, and charge what your services are really worth with clients you love to work with.

In the end, Growth Mindset Coaching gives you the tools to grow your business quickly and sustainably, with a mindset that truly supports your definition of success.

Not sold yet?

If you’re still on the fence, consider the many ways Growth Mindset Coaching can benefit you as a business owner. This isn’t just about tweaking your mindset, it’s about transforming how you approach both your business and your life. Here’s how it can make a real difference:

Achieve Your Business Goals: Growth Mindset Coaching helps you unlock your full potential, making it possible to achieve ambitious goals like scaling your business, entering new markets, or even creating a more balanced work-life dynamic. It gives you the tools to navigate challenges and turn your visions into reality.

Overcome Limiting Beliefs: Many business owners struggle with beliefs that hold them back. Growth Mindset Coaching equips you to challenge and overcome these limiting beliefs, leading to breakthroughs in areas you once thought were out of reach.

Build Resilience: Running a business comes with its share of setbacks. Growth Mindset Coaching helps you build resilience, teaching you to see failures not as dead ends but as valuable learning experiences. This mindset shift allows you to bounce back stronger and keep moving forward.

Boost Your Confidence: As you start overcoming limiting beliefs and achieving your goals, you’ll notice a significant boost in your self-confidence. This newfound confidence not only propels your business forward but also fosters a positive cycle of continuous growth and achievement.

Sustain Long-Term Growth: Growth Mindset Coaching isn’t a one-time fix, it’s a lifelong approach to professional development. The skills and strategies you learn can be applied across all areas of your life, ensuring sustained growth and advancement as your business evolves.

How to Work with Us

Our Growth Mindset Coaching services are designed for female entrepreneurs who are committed to making real, lasting change.

With a starting investment of $2,200.00 per month, and a minimum commitment of 6 months, we only work with those who are ready to put in the work and see tangible results.

Eager to Grow and Expand your Mindset and Business? Reach out now to secure your spot on our waiting list for February 2025.

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